Our in-house book collection
Our growing collection of published works includes compelling memoirs, children’s books, a poetry collection and faith building study guides.

Miracles Have Not Ceased: Neither have angels ceased to minister unto men
President Russell M. Nelson has invited us to “seek and expect miracles.” If a prophet of God has encouraged us to actively seek and confidently expect miracles, where do we begin? Miracles Have Not Ceased is a study guide created by Leona Winger to help you develop a deeper understanding of miracles and increase your ability to recognize the Hand of God and the love of Jesus Christ in your everyday life. Through decades of research and collecting stories, Leona helps readers truly understand what it takes to ask for and recognize the divine encounters all around us.
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A Boy, His Surfboard, and the Storm
Standing on the thrashing shores of an angry sea, a mother fights to hold on to a flicker of faith as she desperately strains to catch a glimpse of her only son, alone on the storm tossed waves. Her son, fighting for his life, wonders why on earth surfing on the especially large swells that fateful day ever sounded like a good idea in the first place... A Boy, His Surfboard and the Storm is the true story of a sixteen year old boy, swept out to sea in a turbulent Southern California storm. On December 13, 1995, Jaren went out surfing with his friends, only to find himself being swept out to sea in the middle of a major storm that would end up destroying over a quarter of Historic Ventura Pier. His story would be plastered across newspaper headlines the following day, however, the full story would remain unwritten until now, 30 years later. A Boy, His Surfboard and the Storm gives the reader an inside glimpse to the near death experience of Jaren, and the harrowing experience of his distraught mother. It is a story of faith, hope, and an unlikely series of miracles that all combined to challenge the ferocity of the mighty Pacific Ocean.
Un Niño, Su Tabla de Surf, y La Tormenta

Anchored, Not Tethered
Ashley Overby may have cerebral palsy, but that has never stopped her from shooting for the stars and reaching for her goals. This book is a collection of her thoughts, experiences and creative writing samples - each given unique life and color by her disability, or "special ability," as she likes to call it. This is a story of endurance, courage, love and second chances. Life with a disability is never easy, but Ashley has taken each experience with an open mind and learned all she can. She now shares with readers around the world what her life is like, which anchors help her soar despite her disability, and how her second chances at life have helped her develop the strength to give second chances to others. This book gives an overview of what cerebral palsy is and what it is like to live with CP. Ashley explains in depth how this disability has affected her daily and family life, especially her rocky relationship with her father. She eventually chose to cut him out of her life, that is, until an unexpected door opened with an opportunity to heal their relationship and understand each other like never before.
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Heart of the Desert
"Heart of the Desert" is a collection of poems written by Monte J Hanks, a Vietnam veteran who worked with the homeless population in Salt Lake City, Utah for 30 years. Watercolor paintings throughout the book were created by artist, Jessica Hanks Kaserman. Throughout this collection of desert inspired poetry and artwork, you will find internal reflections, a deep search for meaning, and ultimately, a red, sandstone path to healing.
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When Mommies Get Sick
When mommies get sick, and sometimes they do, how do things change for me and for you? Whether it’s a 24 hour bug, a months long struggle, or a chronic condition, everyone gets sick… including mothers. “When Mommies Get Sick” helps empower young readers by illustrating what to expect and how to help when their mother experiences illness or injury. This book serves as a fun, yet practical resource for the entire family, bringing them closer together during the storms and trials of life.
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Book of Mormon 123
Book of Mormon 123 is a leveled-learning book, helping little ones build foundational familiarity in the scriptures. Each page has three levels of learning - a basic numbered element for the littlest learners, a short description for early readers and a scripture reference for older children. This book covers numbers 1 through 20 using numbers specific to the Book of Mormon. Little ones will learn not only their numbers, but also how many women are mentioned by name, how many types of animals are described, how many people contributed to the plates of Nephi, and much more! Book of Mormon 123 makes a great supporting resource for Come, Follow Me, a great quiet book for siblings to explore together during sacrament meeting, and a must-have in the nursery's book collection.
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New Testament ABC
Train up a child in the way he should go… Do you remember Proverbs 22:6? It's never too early to begin building foundational familiarity in the scriptures. Little children are eager sponges, soaking up every bit of the world around them. Why not fill their world and their minds with the word of God from the very beginning? Rather than teaching "A is for apple, B is for ball..." why not employ a "more excellent way?" "A is for Angel, B is for Baptism, C is for Cana..." New Testament ABC is an alphabet primer for children, drawing on elements, concepts and notable characters found in the New Testament. New Testament ABC not only walks children through the alphabet, it also helps familiarize little ones with important words, places, people, and ideas they encounter while reading the scriptures.
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